Celebrations of the 64th National Day and 34th Liberation Day of the State of Kuwait by the Embassy of Kuwait in the Kingdom of Sweden


Here you can find important service that we offer. In case of need for additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Kuwait’s emergence as an independent political entity dates back more than 380 years ago, to 1613. This has been established 


In the early 17th century Kuwait was known as Qurain (or Grane), from the Arabic words Qarn (a high hill) and Kout (a fortress)


Want to contact us?

We welcome your questions and concerns, and we do our best to answer your questions as quickly as we can, welcome!

Contact us!

  Working hours of the Embassy during Ramadan

Monday-Friday 10:00 – 14:30
Saturday CLOSED!
Sunday CLOSED!

+468-450 99 80